Conscious Beauty: Dr. Marva Safa Decodes Myths About Skin Quality And Gives Best Practice Advice

Nel-Olivia Waga
March 16, 2023

How’s your skin quality? What are the factors for really good skin? Does your skin quality decrease with age? There are many myths and theories about skin quality. The acclaimed and awarded Dr. Marva Safa, expert in aesthetic medicine and anti-aging, decodes all myths about skin quality and best practice tips on how to bring out the best out of your skin.

Marva, you mentioned, you work with different new techniques, i. e. lasers. What are the latest developments on the better-aging market?

“There is literally a new technology that is being developed and put on the market every few months! I am very interested in radiofrequency and microneedling techniques for collagen stimulation and tightening as well as the brand new technology that targets muscle tone for tightening and toning of facial muscles.”


People tend to categorize others into age groups, by simply looking at their face and skin. I like how you recently said „this is so yesterday, we live in a world of diversity and equality, your looks depend on so much more“ Tell me, what exactly is it that lets us and especially our skin look a certain age?

“Aging is dependent on many intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Chronological age is how many years you have lived, whereas biological age: refers to how old your cells and tissues are based on physiological evidence. If you’re especially healthy and fit for your age, your biological age may well be lower than your chronological age. There are also genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental factors that should be taken into account. So different people age differently and this is so important to consider when discussing anti-aging treatments. Simply applying a formula to everyone is not effective. A patient needs to be assessed holistically and then treatment plans should be designed in a tailor made approach.”


What can we all do to look our best at any age – and honestly, don’t we all want to look a little younger than we are? What are the latest news on research and your best practices?

“The idea is to tackle the concept of “look your best/feel your best” from all the different angles. Nutrition, physical activity, reducing risk factors such as stress, smoking, cholesterol levels, menopause symptoms and gut health is one angle. Taking care of our skin and making sure that we proactively stimulate our skin and striving to have the healthiest, most radiant skin possible is another angle. Aging in our bodies and in our faces do not occur over night. It is a slow process that accumulates over time and we have to be willing to address different aspects of the aging process. Treating just lines and wrinkles is useless. We have to stimulate collagen, stimulate muscle tone, treat texture and rosacea, pigment and eat healthy, nutrient rich foods to also activate our cells from the inside.”

What does your clinic LA JOUVENCE offer for this kind of individual and customized treatment plan?

“First, I see the patients and consult them to discuss all the different aspects: where are they in their life cycle? What are their concerns? What are their skin goals? And based on that consultation, I devise a tailored treatment plan for them. We have an extensive laser platform to address rosacea, pigmentation, skin rejuvenation through stimulation of collagen and treating texture issues. We also offer different injectable products from biostimulators to hyaluronic acid and botox, as well as specific medical grade facials and peelings. The list goes on and on, but not all the treatments are for everyone and it needs to be devised based on each patient’s individual needs.”

How can we make sure the rest of the body look as young as our face? What parts of our skin age the most?

For the body, there are just as many devices and injectable. Fat reduction with cryolipolysis, cellulite treatments, skin tightening, muscle toning and biostimulators to stimulate collagen production and reduce laxity. What is really important is to also encourage patients to practice physical activity and to eat healthy foods, super rich in antioxydants and most importantly to cut sugar! Skin ages differently in different parts of the body depending on its thickness. The area around the eyes has a tendency to show signs of aging faster as well as around the mouth. But, different individuals have different aging patterns. What is important is to look at ourselves as a whole entity and to take care of our bodies from the inside in and strive for a healthy, balanced lifestyle.



Founded in 2014, re-launched in 2019, by Nel-Olivia Waga. HER/etiquette is an international luxury lifestyle blog, that features curated stories coming from a conscious mindset. It collaborates with leading brands and specialists who share the idea of generating a positive impact in the world. Based in Zurich, we cover local hotspots and global trends around sustainability, innovation, well-being, health, beauty, travel, time, art, business and philantropy.

Nel-Olivia Waga is the Founder & Publisher of HER/etiquette. She is a Brand Consultant, an Author and Entrepreneur, most passionate about well-being, travel, nature and art. Her work can regularly be seen in her column on FORBES. Her consultancy YMPACT LAB, creates innovative projects for luxury brands based on passion, purpose and sustainable impact.


#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.



#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.



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