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The “barcode effect”? Have you ever heard of it? Women in their 30ies are not only confronted with it while shopping, but also when looking into the mirror. This is in fact how you call the small wrinkles around lips and mouth that happen to appear over the years. Now seems to be a solution for this. Swiss Smile has launched a new product, which intends to counteract against these wrinkles. The Oxygen Booster. It’s a product that moisturizes the skin around the lips on a deeply level and softens the fine lines instantly. So the area around the mouth becomes gentle, radiant and beautiful – as beautiful as the lips of every woman should be. I’m excited. You too?
Inspired by a weekend that was all about movies and film, during the Zurich Film Festival, I have selected famous movie scenes for you, that are all about the most beautiful lips of the film industry.
Der Barcode Effekt? Frauen Ab 30 befassen sich damit nicht nur beim Shoppen, sondern auch beim Blick in den Spiegel. Dieser ist nämlich die Bezeichnung für die kleinen Fältchen, welche sich im Laufe der Jahre um den Mund und die Lippen bilden. Nun gibt es eine Lösung dafür. Swiss Smile hat ein neues Produkt lanciert, welches dem entgegenwirken soll. Der Oxygen Booster. Ein Sauerstoff-Booster spendet tiefenwirksame Feuchtigkeit rund um die Mundpartie und mildert kleine Fältchen im Nu. Er macht die Mundpartie wieder sanft, strahlend und wunderschön – so wie die Lippen einer jeden Frau aussehen sollten. Ich bin begeistert. Ihr auch?
Inspiriert von einem filmreichen Wochenende anlässlich während des Zurich Filmfestival, habe ich hier die schönsten Lippenbekenntnisse der Filmwelt für euch rausgesucht”
Founded in 2014, re-launched in 2019, by Nel-Olivia Waga. HER/etiquette is an international luxury lifestyle blog, that features curated stories coming from a conscious mindset. It collaborates with leading brands and specialists who share the idea of generating a positive impact in the world. Based in Zurich, we cover local hotspots and global trends around sustainability, innovation, well-being, health, beauty, travel, time, art, business and philantropy.
Nel-Olivia Waga is the Founder & Publisher of HER/etiquette. She is a Brand Consultant, an Author and Entrepreneur, most passionate about well-being, travel, nature and art. Her work can regularly be seen in her column on FORBES. Her consultancy YMPACT LAB, creates innovative projects for luxury brands based on passion, purpose and sustainable impact.
#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.
This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.
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