My La Mer Summer Favorites & The Power of the Ocean

Nel-Olivia Waga
August 4, 2016
paid partnership

The ocean is a symbol of power, strength, mystery, hope, truth and stands for the essence of life. Whereas the calm ocean indicates a feeling of peace and tranquility, the violent ocean characterizes strong emotions. Both circumstances are natural and in constant change – so is life. Life never stands still. Neither do we, nor our skin. With the circumstances that life brings, the memories not only stay in our minds, but also on our skin.

Especially in summer, with the strong sun and the heat, our skin is extra sensitive. Natural elements and the essence of the ocean are the perfect cure for the signs of time: hydration, illumination and rejuvenation combined with the unique signature of the La Mer laboratories.

This summer, I have two new favorites, that I use daily for a hydrated, fresh and smooth skin:

  1. The La Mer Cleansing Micellar Water
    The pristine water powerfully removes makeup, cleans, re-minalizes, hydrates and renews your skin – and that in  one step only. The micro-capsules in LaMer’s Micellar Water makes your skin look fresh during the day and lets it re-energize during the night.
  2. The Crème de La Mer, Blue Heart, World Oceans Day Limited Edition 2016
    The classic and legendary Crème de La Mer transforms the skin over night. It improves lines and wrinkles, pores become less visible. You will look younger and fresher within a short period of time. Paying homage to the World Ocean Day, this year, LaMer has created a beautiful limited edition dedicated to the bright blue and green colors of the ocean.

What are your favorite products this summer?

Das Meer steht in der Symbolsprache für Kraft, Geheimnisse, Hoffnung, Wahrheit und die Essenz des Lebens. Wo das stille Meer ein Gefühl von Ruhe, Frieden und Ausgeglichenheit vermittelt, so charakterisiert das unruhige Meer starke Emotionen. Beide Umstände sind natürlich in stetiger Veränderung – wie das Leben auch. Unser Leben steht nie still, genauso wenig wie unsere Haut. Mit den Erlebnissen, die das Leben mit sich bringt, bleiben deren Erinnerungen nicht nur in unserem Bewusstsein sondern auch auf unserer Haut.

Speziell im Sommer, durch die starke Sonne und der Hitze, ist unsere Haut extra sensitiv. Natürliche Elemente und die Essenz des Meeres bieten daher die perfekte Lösung für die Zeichen der Zeit: Die Faktoren Feuchtigkeit, Aufhellung und Verjüngung kombiniert mit der einzigartigen Handschrift von La Mer.

In diesem Sommer habe ich zwei neue Lieblinge aus der La Mer Kollektion, welche ich aktuell täglich benutze, um meine Haut mit genug Feuchtigkeit, Frische zu versorgen, für einen strahlend soften Teint:

  1. The La Mer Cleansing Micellar Water
    Das neue reine Gesichtswasser entfernt Make-Up effektiv, reinigt die Poren, mineralisiert und erneuert die Haut – dies in nur einem Schritt. Sofort wirkende, positiv geladene Wassermoleküle lassen die Haut am Tag strahlen und über Nacht Energie auftanken.
  2. The Crème de La Mer, Blue Heart, World Oceans Day Limited Edition 2016
    Die klassische, berühmte Créme de La Mer transformiert die Haut über Nacht! Sie verfeinert Linien und Fältchen, Poren werden werden zunehmend weniger sichtbar. Nach kürzester Zeit sieht man bereits jünger und frischer aus. Zu Ehren des World Ocean Day, hat La Mer in diesem Jahr eine wunderschöne Limited Edition-Dose lanciert, auf welcher die prächtigen Farben des Oceans verarbeitet sind.

Welche sind eure liebsten Produkte in diesem Sommer?


Founded in 2014, re-launched in 2019 – by Nel-Olivia Waga. It is an international luxury lifestyle blog, that features stories under the aspect of a conscious mindset. It collaborates with leading brands and specialists who share the idea of generating a positive impact in the world. Based in Zurich and London, it covers local hotspots and global trends around sustainability, innovation, well-being, health, beauty, travel, time, art, business and charity.

Nel-Olivia Waga is the Founder & Publisher of HER/etiquette. She is a Brand Consultant, an Author and Entrepreneur, most passionate about well-being, travel, nature and art. Her work can regularly be seen in her column on FORBES. Her consultancy YMPACT LAB, creates innovative marketing projects for luxury brands based on passion, purpose and sustainable impact.


#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step in contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact in the world – and in you.


her-etiquette, La Mer


#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step in contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact in the world – and in you.



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