Stop Hunger: UNICEF Charity Campaign

Nel-Olivia Waga
October 16, 2017

Can you remember a day you have not eaten for more than 24 hours? What if you’d be sitting in front of an empty plate – being hungry – for a long period of time? We can’t even really imagine how this must feel like, because we are the privileged ones to have an easy access to healthy food and clean water on a daily basis. There are millions of humans on this planet – especially children – who are not as fortunate as we are. Children, who are starving and suffering serious diseases from hunger.

© Nel-Olivia Waga for UNICEF - Stop Hunger Campaign 2017, shot by Thomas Buchwalder

Almost 1.4 million children are at imminent risk of death from severe acute malnutrition this year, as famine looms in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. Time is running out for those children. We can still save many lives. The severe malnutrition and looming famine are largely man-made. Our common humanity demands faster action and more help.

Today, is October 16th. It’s World Food Day. I teamed up with UNICEF to stop hunger and raise funds for children in need. I donated to UNICEF today. You can help UNICEF to reach and rescue more children, if you donate here:



Können Sie sich erinnern, wann Sie das letzte mal mehr als 24 Stunden keine Nahrung zu sich genommen haben? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie müssten über einen längeren Zeitraum hungern und hätten nichts ausser einen leeren Teller vor sich stehen. Wir – in unserer Welt- können uns dieses Gefühl von Hunger nicht wirklich vorstellen, da wir das Privileg haben – täglich – über genügend gesunde Nahrung und sauberes Trinkwasser zu verfügen. Es gibt allerdings Millionen von Menschen, vor allem Kinder, die dies nicht haben und unsere Hilfe benötigen, bevor sie verhungern und schwer erkranken – durch Hunger.

In Nigeria, Somalia, dem Südsudan und Jemen droht fast 1,4 Millionen schwer mangelernährten Kindern der Hungertod. Die Krise ist weitgehend menschengemacht: Betroffen sind Regionen, die seit Jahren unter kriegerischen Konflikten leiden. Eine Dürre verschärft lediglich eine bereits bestehende Notsituation. UNICEF konzentriert sich derzeit darauf, in den Krisenregionen schwer mangelernährte Kinder mit therapeutischer Spezialnahrung und medizinischer Hilfe zu versorgen. Hinzu kommt die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit sauberem Trinkwasser und Hygieneartikeln.

© Nel-Olivia Waga for UNICEF - Stop Hunger Campaign 2017, shot by Thomas Buchwalder

Heute ist der 16. Oktober, Welt-Ernährungstag oder auch Welthunger-Tag. Zu diesem Anlass habe ich ein weiteres Mal mit UNICEF kooperiert, um Spendengelder für Kinder in Not zu generieren. Ich habe heute gespendet. Es geht ganz schnell und einfach. Helfen auch Sie UNICEF mehr Kinder in Not zu erreichen und zu retten. Spenden Sie hier:


Charity Project
Nel-Olivia Waga for UNICEF


Founded in 2014, re-launched in 2019, by Nel-Olivia Waga. HER/etiquette is an international luxury lifestyle blog, that features curated stories coming from a conscious mindset. It collaborates with leading brands and specialists who share the idea of generating a positive impact in the world. Based in Zurich, we cover local hotspots and global trends around sustainability, innovation, well-being, health, beauty, travel, time, art, business and philantropy.

Nel-Olivia Waga is the Founder & Publisher of HER/etiquette. She is a Brand Consultant, an Author and Entrepreneur, most passionate about well-being, travel, nature and art. Her work can regularly be seen in her column on FORBES. Her consultancy YMPACT LAB, creates innovative projects for luxury brands based on passion, purpose and sustainable impact.


#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.


Photographed and supported by:


#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.

This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.



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