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How well do you sleep?
Did you know that sleep is amongst the most important factors for our health, recovery, productivity – and emotional well-being?
Today is World Sleep Day, a day to remind us how crucial sleep is – not just on the weekends, but every day! Here are 10 of my favorite healthy sleep hacks for a better, healthy and deep sleep:
1. Your sleep routine begins in the morning: get as much daylight as possible first thing in the morning. This sets your inner body clock into daytime mode.
2. Move and exercise during the day. A healthy, vital body falls asleep easier.
3. Eliminate your media intake, whenever you can: all the negative news around what’s happening in the world can be overwhelming. Make sure you disconnect from your phone, and ratio/tv/emails frequently during the day (and especially before bedtime) to connect with the present moment (family, spouse, friends, nature, sports, something fun) to calm down and to unwind.
4. Disconnect from all electronic devices and screens at least one hour (better two) before sleep – and try to wear blue light blocking glasses from the afternoon onwards (blue light from screens disrupts your sleep rythm, by postponing the natural melatonin production, a hormone the body produces for sleep). Swap Netflix for a book – or cuddles 🙂
5. Prepare yourself for the day ahead (outfit, to do list, calendar, intentions). Your mind is calmer, when you know you’re all set for tomorrow.
6. Journal. Write down all things you’ve been grateful for on this day, but also your accomplishments. It calms your mind and your worries.
7. Meditate or do breath work. Disconnect from your mind and connect with your body.
8. Take a hot bath or a shower. Use essential oils.
9. Nutritional supplements like magnesium and alkaline powder are essential for a healthy body and a good nights sleep and limit alcohol and heavy food intake 2 hours before sleep.
10. Buy a Hästens bed. An investment you’ll never regret! The best thing I could have ever done for my sleep comfort.
Founded in 2014, re-launched in 2019, by Nel-Olivia Waga. HER/etiquette is an international luxury lifestyle blog, that features curated stories coming from a conscious mindset. It collaborates with leading brands and specialists who share the idea of generating a positive impact in the world. Based in Zurich, we cover local hotspots and global trends around sustainability, innovation, well-being, health, beauty, travel, time, art, business and philantropy.
Nel-Olivia Waga is the Founder & Publisher of HER/etiquette. She is a Brand Consultant, an Author and Entrepreneur, most passionate about well-being, travel, nature and art. Her work can regularly be seen in her column on FORBES. Her consultancy YMPACT LAB, creates innovative projects for luxury brands based on passion, purpose and sustainable impact.
#ConsciousLuxury is the theme of HER/etiquette. We combine luxury lifestyle with consciousness. Each story we share, is underlined with values. The purpose and innovation of the brands we collaborate with, are as important to us, as their initiatives towards ethical craftsmanship, sustainability, holistic health and social responsibility.
This is our first step towards contributing to the global movement of creating a more positive impact within our community and beyond.
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